Why Wes!
(who seems to frequently enjoy giving the
impression of a Grumpy Old Man!),
I did not realize you were really such a
young pup!
Someone last night at the IRDC banquet was
being generally considered as an "Old Timmer",
and he had started racing in 1979.
Another asked me if I had raced against him.
My private reply to the question was,
"No. By then, I'd gotten into racing, gotten out,
went to Vietnam and back, got into racing again
and won championships, and gotten out again."
I like to think I'm just approaching the
"prime of my life"!
And - - not awfully thrilled that tomorrow AM
they want me to go in and give a "fasting blood
test" - and I am not even supposed to have any
coffee first. Frumps!
Intentional or not, they just might see my
impression of "Grumpy Old Man".
The idea of leaving the house without having
had coffee, banana, cereal and milk!
And they can never make up their mind about
the ekg. Sometimes they shave these patches
on me and use suction cups. Other times they
use tape, then when pulling it off- - - pain
and patches. Maybe I should just try out
Nair on my whole body tonight?
(warning - squick - below!, , or maybe above?)
And don't even get me started on what foods
I'm supposed to stay away from for the stool
swab sample they want.
All respect for vegetarians, but I figure my
ancestors worked real hard for thousands of
years to get us to the top of the food chain.
And I'd hate to be the one responsible for us
slipping down the chain.