So Rick...
I'm cut from the same philosophical cloth that you are. I believe that I am the most qualified person to watch out for my own well being. Having said that, however ...
If you are philosophically consistent in not supporting a mandated HANS (or NextGen), are you not supportive of mandated belts, cages, nets, etc.? In my case, I think I accept the latter easier than the former, just because it's what "I came up with", whereas the HANS is a "new" thing (all terms being relative).
If you want, I can grab data from Jim Downing that will show HANS' are beneficial when it comes to basel skull fracture injuries. Don't make me go get it if you are going to dismiss it out of hand, though. I think even from a skeptical "common sense" perspective, it's pretty hard to deny, like cages and belts.
I'm mostly curious on your thoughts, since I'm not entirely comfortable with mine. I would be pissed if the government told me I had to wear a HANS, but I'm OK if Conference or IMSA told me I had to in order to race, since I voluntarily choose to associate with you yahoo's. If YOUR president ;-), however, told me I had to do it, it would be about as voluntary as taxes.
Your thoughts, as always, are welcome.