WARNING - this may damage your common senses

Richard Broadhead

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Latest design concept for the 2012 IRL cars backed by Chip Ganassi and Ben Bowlby (Lola's old chief designer).. WHAT

This is NOT a joke!

So far, nobody understand how it will turn based upon weight bias and downforce numbers talked about.

More info:

Several other manufacturers have unvieled their concepts and they look like spitting images of Stohr or Phoenix F1000 cars! Go figure.

Also taking a step back in racing history. Cars will be powered by 2.0 Liter turbocharged engines.
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Interesting and a refreshing departure from the norm.

I'll withhold judgement until testing is completed but I do wonder how well it will corner with the front wheels so very close together and a presumably fixed vertical stabilizer in back.

At the very least, it shows some out-of-the-box thinking on behalf of race car designers.
Is there a new IRL track being built at Bonneville? Or maybe they want to add straight courses to their reportoire.

Really, the concept is just a bit to "Speed Racer". And Breedlove did it already back in 1963.
I like it. Browely (sp) is a very respected designer and not a quack. The have simulated it at every current IRL track and it out performed the current car.
One thing it will do. It will draw followers from the under 18 crowd who just finished playing with their Hot Wheels cars.

Yes, testing indicates the car is capable of 235 MPH with a 2 liter turbo engine! Not sure any driver with a brain left would want to be driving it in to a corner at 235 MPH :confused1:
Richard any number of posts here prove drivers have less brains then most others. That is why we must have you guys out there thinking for us............I would drive this car in a heartbeat.
As for driving in to a corner at 235 mph? Easy...LIFT! Cars should be hard to drive and take some skill. Wait mine is easy to drive...and slow....:)

Point is any monkey can get it and hold the pedal down and steer. Driving should require more then that right?
Michael's lesser known brother, Joel Schumacher, was waaay ahead of these guys. His crack team of engineers included the likes of Tim Burton and they had this design concept nailed in 1995. Theirs also had a grappling hook and could climb walls. So there.
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Saw it on TV, so it has to be true.
I was wondering if anybody else out there saw the resemblance like I did.
Thanks Dave, now I don't feel so alone.
Oh wait, I think I hear the dum dum dum dum of Jaws as well.
Doubtful it would work on a road course with that narrow front, but I can envision thousands of Batman fans packing the stands in their costumes at the oval events.
They can't be serious!
For those who really like OPEN WHEEL racing and don't want to drive (or watch) something from the planet Zernon......

Here's the Swift concept for 2012:


and here's the Dallara:


Now THOSE I could watch.

The Bowlby/Ganassi design is an interesting study but I just don't see it as advancing "normal" automotive technology for the next 10 years. I don't think the FF, FC, FA and FB designers are looking at that and trying to figure out how to bring those concepts to club racing.
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Can't help but thinking the Dallara design looks like an updated Mallock from British club racing.

Serious question: Why no closed cockpits? Surely, driver cooling and egress issues can be worked out. Just think of the drag reduction! (Hey, I'm an aerospace engineer - that's how I think :D )
I believe that IMSA/ALMS may be moving back to the protection of a fully enclosed driver. At least it seems like I saw an article someplace...
I skimmed the article so I might have missed something. Seems like this thing is ONLY designed for circle track. There is NO WAY they would expect a car with a 125" wheelbase and 24" front track to turn on a road course.

I don't see a problem with it going around a oval like Daytona or Talladega. My problem would be when one of these things is sliding sideways. It would instantly roll! Or if it is coming off the banks in an uncontrolled manner it would want to roll.

Lola has an intersting design also that would use some of the same parts for both an IRL and an Indy Lights car.
I wonder what affect smackin' that hole in the Daytona would have on the front suspension.

Gotta try new things, I suppose. And I'm good with the delta idea, but how much travel is there going to be at the nose to keep it from bouncing all over the place.

Steer with your feet! Brake(s) on the rear wheel. Hand throttle. Joystick steering with trigger shifter. What's the take off speed again?

Yes, racing is going to new heights with faster frontiers. Why didn't I see that coming.