Vote for the best race track in the Pacific Northwest at NW Racing stuff


Well-known member
Pacific Raceways
Evergreen Speedway
Portland International Raceway
Skagit Speedway
Spokane Raceway Park
South Sound Speedway
Oregon Raceway Park

Let us know if you think we missed a track that should be included.
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I just tried to add Mission. It won't let me edit this poll because people have already voted. Duh.
Pacific Raceways won with 47% of the vote.

I'm surprised the percentage was that low.

First time I drove around Pacific back in about 1994 (yes, I'm a realative newbie) I was astounded. It is a classic road racing track in terms of layout and scenic beauty. It surpasses any other track on the west coast (including Laguna Seca) and rivals many nationwide. Its only real challengers are VIR, Rd. Am., Rd. Atl and (maybe) Mid-Ohio.

There are other tracks with more history, but you have a tough time finding any better in terms of driver challenges or setting. That is part of why it should be retained as much as possible in its current form during the renovation. It is a true classic.

Bring it up to standards in terms of paving/safety and you have a real WINNER!!

This is NOT and eco-nut thing.. KEEP THE TREES!!!
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Not Fair, not fair at all.

Take the Poll after you all have raced on ORP.

I don't think there is a track on the left coast that can compair.


John Rissberger
# 10 Camaro A/S Oregon
Even including ORP on this poll seemed a bit odd to me since no one has yet raced there. Practice is one thing, but filling that track with race cars is the only true test. Then and only then can we include it in a vote guys.
What kind of race participant are you?

A. Arrive and drive
B. Owner/Operator
C. Crew/lugnut polisher
D. Spectator/Pit lounger
E. Event Volunteer
F. Other

To put it simply, YES.

The past two years I've been about 50/50 Lug Nut Polisher/seat belt tightener versus Event Volunteer and very rarely a Spectator only. The ratio will probably change this year but it was nice to be able to say how/why you're there.

Given one choice it would have caused me to think more which can be painful.