Thanks ORP workers.


Well-known member
I'd like to thank all the workers who helped TC to put on the race and driver training at ORP this past weekend. You really put out effort in
hot and sunny conditions, and Saturday was a very long day for all. I'd like to thank you all, as both a TC member, and as a driver.

Kevin Smith
Team Continental's ICSCC Executive Board Rep
And I'd like to thank all of the dedicated Conference/SCCA volunteers that participated and enabled this event both ways.

It was a very fun weekend. The downhill T16>14 is more fun to watch than the long slow climb other way. No wall taps. And aside from a broken car here and there, we all left with our fingers and our tows.

Thank you, Team Continental for extending a plan of recompense to provide for the transportation and lodging for those participants. TC and ICSCC were successful in making a Conference event happen on this great track either way.

Did someone mention the food? The Waco Kid and his Dad Robert took to fillin' and grillin' with Hanken and Spanken help, Joyce and Ron and host of others I can't, or maybe shouldn't name. But the grub was great. Movies in the garagatorium.

A unique experience to be sure.

I wish there had been a few more folks interested in bringing their cars out.
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