SCCA's new matterin "Recommended Items for 2015"

C/P from Aug. 5th BOD minutes

For the "GCR
1. #14272 (Richard Patullo) Seat Belt Expiration
Change 9.3.19.G.1.: 1. Restraint systems meeting SFI 16.1 or 16.5 shall bear a dated SFI Spec label. The certification
indicated by this label shall expire on December 31st of the 2nd 5th year after the date of manufacture as indicated by the
label. If for example the manufacture date is 2014 the second fifth year after the date of manufacture is 2019."

I didn't know how to 'strike-through' so I made the font tiny.

I hope this helps.
FWIW, at TC's rule change meeting, a rule change proposal was passed reflecting similar changes to the ICSCC competition regulations.
So, those will be appearing before ICSCC drivers for rules change consideration for the upcoming 2015 race season.