Rule Change #3

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I think the Points system is fine the way it is. I had three very strange things cost me points with two DNFs this season. All three had never happened to me before flat tire, broken 2nd gear and a cowling hitting me in the head at close to 140 mph (ouch my ears are still ringing ) I was put in a position were I had to win almost every race to become the champion, I was blessed with a string of just that making this a very enjoyable year. We are not F1 but I bet we would all love to be. Racing is about winning or at least striving to. I have seen racers show up for years and keep trying never coming close to the front and then one day they win. I love that.
This rule change must not have been that important to many in IRDC as only 22 showed up to vote on the rule changes for all of IRDC.
That Scott is the problem in a nutshell. These rule change proposals are submitted usually by only a few, and voted on by only a few. So a rule can easily be changed by 5 or 10 people, but will affect hundreds.
Kicking this stuff around on the forum as we've done repeatedly the last couple of years is the way to go before making proposals without sufficient input from the majority. Well, okay, not the majority, since most drivers neither read this forum nor vote on rule changes.
But those who care about the issues always seem to find a way to get involved in these discussions. Changing a system that works well seems unfortunate without more discussion, and I hope it is left alone for now,but we'll see how the vote goes this Saturday.
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

This rule change must not have been that important to many in IRDC as only 22 showed up to vote on the rule changes for all of IRDC.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Are you serious?! Is that even a quorum? I mean, there's a few hundred people in IRDC, right?
This is how it works for rule changes. It proves the 10% rule for clubs.
Gotta take the checkered flag at the Sizzler to vote.

14 eligible members constitute a majority of the 22 that took the time to be present and decided this issue for IRDC as a whole.

Them's the rules, and...

That's rule changin' :-)
"This rule change must not have been that important to many in IRDC as only 22 showed up to vote on the rule changes for all of IRDC."

yeah... working nights has its down side...
have fun at the banquet without me, too...

Hey Toby,
I know people work nights and are unable to make the meeting but just a reminder for next year you can send in a proxy vote with Jeff so that your voice can be heard.