Race numbers?


I am prepping two cars for racing next year - a Pro3 and a SPM car.
What is the procedure for getting race numbers for these cars?
Thanks, Steve
Race car numbers in Conference go with the driver, not with the car. The application for a Conference license asks for preferred car numbers.
Is the SPM car specifically built for SPM (tube frame, high hp, etc)?

If it is more of a touring car that doesn't really have a good class (other than SPM or ITE), check out the class that we are trying to get on the roster for next season.

No this is not a SPM car specifically - it's just the class my car would land in. The ST class looks much closer for my 1978 Porsche 911SC which is prepared to PCA SPEC 911 (SP911) rules.

Hopefully ST will be an approved class. What group would we run with?
Well, we assume we'd run in Group 4, as most of the guys intending to run ST are currently running ITE or RS and that seems like an easy place to put us. We won't actually know for sure until much later.
Well, we assume we'd run in Group 4, as most of the guys intending to run ST are currently running ITE or RS and that seems like an easy place to put us. We won't actually know for sure until much later.

Good point Steve I jumped the gun a bit. Will we know by the end of the Fall Meeting or will we have to wait (not that it matters much) till the "Spring Meeting" in January?
We will know whether we're approved as a class after the meeting; the determination of run group is by... the Steward, I think. Dunno when that happens.
There's nothing wrong with ITE. If anything, why do we need a new class?

ST is fundamentally identical to ITE, except that it's more narrowly tailored to exclude cars that are eligible in ITE that a typical ST car can't compete with.

It's been said before,...that's racing.

So do we really need ST? Unless of course you're trying to encourage more people to race, or keep racing.
How did we get here from race numbers....

I'm not sure how you can say a race class with no minimum weight and unrestricted horsepower is fundamentally the same? Maybe you can direct me to a class where the "would be" ST cars would best fit. ITE isn't it.

"that's racing" - if we all show up with Vipers it is.

"it's more narrowly tailored to exclude cars that are eligible in ITE that a typical ST car can't compete with" - isn't that the point of having classes in the first place? So cars of similar speed and prep can compete with each other?
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But to get back to one of your questions... yes, it certainly will bring in more people. Hell, just look at the comment of the OP, who sees more value to his car with ST than SPM.
I'd certainly like to see more porkchops in Conference, the ST formula may be just the ticket for those that grow weary of a 1300 page rulebook.
Is it just in the name?

Take it easy guys, just stirring your pot a little. Man,...fish on.

LOL I saw this coming......Devil's Advocate and all that. I know you would have preferred the Class be called "Anti-Viper" instead of ST. :p

Guys Randy figures if you do not attempt to defend your position then your just a goof like _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. You had to have seen this coming;)

Pokin at ya, Pokin at ya :D

Because we all care about the class we are easy pickin's