Halon 1301, Dupont FE36 or AFFF


OW Racer
I am looking at replacing the fire system in my 1984 Anson. Any recommendations on the type of suppressant?

It is a Lifeline electric fired system and the bottle does not have a gauge on it. I have weighed the bottle and the weight matches the number listed on the bottle. So I am assuming it has product and pressure. It's the assumption that bothers me.

My old lifeline manual fire has a guage that shows low pressure but weighs in ok so I would say replace it for sure. Give Action Fire Protection in Wi a call 262 521 3340 they maybe able to put a guage on it and top it up
Call Action Fire Protection in Wi 262 521 3340 they maybe able to put a guage on your existing system and top it up. note some shipping restrictions apply...ground only...mine have all been empty when sent