Gymkhana 4: The Megamercial

Well, I didn't know who Ken Block is but I do now... LOL

Was that a KB commercial or a Ford?

One thing I noticed as he ran the 'course' there was only 1 very small section where he had NOT made a practice run over it (tire marks). Was 'interesting' though.

They call that "HOONING"?
Ken's first gymkhana video was the best and I believe was done in one (maybe two?) takes. The later ones have focused more on show and are increasingly over-the-top in a lot of ways. This was seemed to be more about being funny than impressive driving.
I really like the production quality.

There's a shot of the camera setup and on the rear of the car they have like 40 GoPro's mounted in a row.

And Hoonigan is a nickname for Block's shenanigans, with it's etymology in what colangelo posted.

1. hoonigan

noun,see hoon or hooning: a person who participates in any type of reckless driving including but not limited to drifting, drag racing, and burnouts
"did you see that car blow by?, stupid hoonigan"
Any one notice the Go-Pro not surviving the ladder smash? Did they use the same mount as Jesus? Warranty??

BTW.....Zombies, really. All was good until that whole leg-eating thing crossed paths with my BBQ chicken lunch. Appetite fail.