FV Invitational


Well-known member
Bulletin, hot off the presses, great news, etc.

There will be an invitational FV race during the CACC Mission week-end of June 12/13, which will include a 30 minute race on Saturday and another on Sunday. These races are for FV only, although practice and qualifying will be combined with other classes.
There will be a BBQ for all FV entrants on Saturday evening hosted by FART, (Family Affair Race Team) founded by FF and FV guru Bob Williams and his lovely sidekick Pam. Bob's partner Mr. Scott Arthur and his beautiful wife Jennifer from Mission, B.C. have also been instrumental in bringing this event together. I hear there will be some contingency awards, and possible $$ as well, but don't hold me to that.
Invites have been sent to the NorCal region as well as Sovren, and over 20 FV's are expected to take part in this special race. So dust off your cars, pump up the tires and come join the fun!
More informatiuon can be found on the SCCBC website, address located on this site home page.
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