front wheel drive video from mission

Anybody got some video from a front wheel drive car in mission. I know there are a bunch of hondas that run up there. Found lots from Miatas and BMWs.
Excerpt from SCCBC forum thread on this topic:

"I can't recall ever seeing a rear hub break like that, could it have been rusty (and then fatigued) - that car was from out of BC wasn't it Jordy?"

"Yes, it was rusty and looks like it developed fatigue cracks. Ontario car. Lesson learned on leaving hubs be [?] on a car of that age and condition."
Hubs breaking or Car-B-Q's. There is other good footage of that Acura. Maybe when the corner workers wave the fire bottle at you it might mean something, hmmm....

Yup ... he knows that now! :)

I'm really sorry to be missing Mission this weekend ... there are a bunch of us heading to Baltimore, Maryland for its inaugural Indy street race. So have fun, play safe, and pay attention to the cornerworkers' flags AND hand signals!