County fires SCRP track operator


Bringing back scary cars
With a million in unpaid contractors the county took the track back and will operate it themselves (parks dept) until further notice per KREM2 News last night. Not sure what this means for the long term.

Posted on October 30, 2009 at 6:54 PM

SPOKANE -- Spokane County is temporarily running the Raceway Park near Airway Heights until it can find a new operator

The County fired former operator Austin Motorsports on October 29, and are now trying to explain what they are going to do until they can find a new owner.

Contractors involved in cleaning and fixing the track are owed more than a million dollars. If Austin Motorsports declares bankruptcy, that debt could be erased.

There's also a possibility, depending on how that goes, that the county could be on the hook for paying those contractors. Then it's a question of whether the county's insurance will pay for it.

If not, the county has to come up with the money somehow, and no one has a clue where it might come from.

The county didn't just fire Austin Motorsports, Austin Motorsports reportedly sent an email to the county saying the business was out of money and going under.

The county says it will mothball the track until next season, but keep looking for new operators. If they can't find a new operator by spring, the county will run the track.
Not to worry, I plan to win the lottery this weekend so I can run it properly for all of us :)

I think things will work out fine, just a bad economy and some growing pains.