Anyone have a HANS 30 Large in the PDX/Vancouver area?


I know this is a long shot but I will be attending a 3-day race school on Dec 27-29. The school uses formula cars and they told me my 20 degree HANS will not work but a 30 degree HANS will. Does anyone in the Portland, Ore. or Vancouver, Wash. area have a large size 30 dgree HANS that I could borrow? Obviously, if I damaged your HANS I would pay for recertification/repair or a replacement device. I am a member of Cascade and SCCA so if you need to send Vinnie and Guido to collect on any unpaid debt you'll know how to find me. :)

Alternatively, do you know of any place that could rent me the right HANS? I don't usually run formula cars so I don't want to shell out $500-1,000 for just 3 days worth of use.

Thanks for any leads you can provide.

Try getting ahold of Bob Spreen. I know he has a HANS device, but not what type. He ran FF so it should be the 30 degree. He mentioned last year that he is retiring from racing. He should be willing to loan it out, maybe even sell it cheap.
Thomas -- thanks so much for the lead. Do you or anyone else happen to have Bob Spreen's e-mail or other contact info?

Look on page 2 of the classified listings on this, Bob's got an ad posted selling his fords.
Thomas -- thanks so much for the lead. I spoke with Bob and he seems like a good guy. Unfortunately, he can't access his HANS at the moment to lend it to me.

Anyone else out there with a HANS Model 30 large?
