Steve Adams
Just this guy, ya know?
Every once in a while I get a panicky e-mail message from someone saying they can no longer post to this forum. In every instance so far --when I've heard back, at least-- it's a simple case of someone NOT being logged into the forum. You can read the forum all you like without logging in (this is, after all, how visitors view the site), but you can't post or do a number of other things without logging in.
A few things to note:
A few things to note:
- If your browser is set to NOT accept cookies (a situation you have to choose), you will be asked for your password constantly. It's a real pain, but not the forum software's fault.
- When you login, you should ALSO select the check box that will "remember you." This will set a user cookie for this site and remember the fact that you've logged in. This is HUGELY convenient.
- Finally, unless you're accessing from a public computer, DON'T LOG OUT. If you're on your own computer, you are using a cookie ("remember me"), and you remain logged in, then you can use the features of the forum to your heart's content and withOUT having to remember your login name or password.