4 digit numbers and 4 letter words

For those of you who (like me) who weren't paying enough attention,
we are no longer identifiable by number. As in, "100 just passed under yellow. Again."
doesn't automatically mean I did it. If I wasn't there that weekend, it coulda been

"Hey, you looked great at Portland!" Nope, that was a different blue E30, I was home with a sick kid.
Some random other driver had that number last weekend.

"Hey, can I be 02 this weekend?" Sure, why not? The driver who's been 02 since 1985's not here!

So don't be a doofus like I was and call Linda to say there was a mistake on your license number.
There may have been, but it was last fall when I was 'too busy' to read the rules change proposals carefully.

Heck, the CARS don't even get the numbers, like in roundy- round- "Wow! He put 26 on the pole? He MUST be good!"

The logic for the old system was clear- one driver, one license, one car. It did a good job of making sure the rules
and regulations of the club were enforced and enforcable. It made it reasonably easy to be sure there was a
licensed driver in the car, and that you knew who she was. It also made us all responsible for policing our number.
I don't see how the new system does any of that. Guess we
shall see as the season progresses.
And I do predict that roll call at meetings will take a.lot longer.

So I'll hopefully see you-all in Seattle. If my number goes to Portland, wish it luck for me.

Or something.
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I voted against this rule change for exactly this kind of situation. In the past, I saw a green BMW with "100" on it, I knew it was Toby driving. If it had "700" on it, I knew it was Toby's car being driven by someone else. Under the new system, I have no idea who's driving that car, which also means I can no longer make assumptions about the driver's ability, trustworthiness in a brake zone or apex, or anything else.

I understood the reasoning behind why this change was proposed, but it seemed to me that those considerations should all be trumped by a driver's ability to make split-second decisions based on knowing who's driving what.
I just love the fact I don't have to find a spot to squeeze a 7 in front of my number on an openwheel car.
I love that I can share my car on a weekend and not have to fiddle with numbers.

The concern over knowing who's in the car is valid. You see a #10 Red CRX in group 2 or 5 you knew I was driving. If it was #101, you knew my dad was driving (much slower) but now the #10 CRX may be me or may not be.

I will be making more of an effort to look at registration/qualifying, familiarize myself with the drivers and show up to pre-grid early and actually look at who I'm going to be driving around.
Ok, after chasing Colin and/or his dad all weekend, and talking to lots of great people,
I've adjusted my thinking:

I still don't like not knowing who's behind the number, BUT now I just
add a couple more trips to Driver's Services to my weekend. And
everyone there's so nice, it's lots of fun and gets me out of my pit.

And since this has (behind the scenes) made life so much easier for those who
do the REAL work in getting us on track, I'll do just that.

Thanks, all!
