ORP 2014 in reverse?


sorry if that offended.. not intended... maybe a little misguided venting on my part.

You would be surprised at some of mail I get as racechair... Everyone should be a race chair ONCE, it's fun.. trust me.

I do wish this forum had a like button.

TC has taken on the improvement of adding brake marker footings in the reverse direction at the cost of many hours of donated labor, and less than $1500 in materials.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is what makes Conference what it is. People giving as much as they can, without expectation of anything but the satisfaction of participating in and with the best group of amateur racers anywhere.
The biggest concern I had when the track opened, regarding running CCW, was at the beginning of a race, with the whole group of cars going downhill into an off-camber turn (turn 2?). I would suggest considering how safe it will be for cars to go off there. If the landscaping outside that corner can be made safe for an easy off and reentry, then it might be acceptable--might even be better than the continental corner...