Group 2 race video - pacific aug 1, 2010

I LOVE that sticker on the dash: "We interrupt this marriage to bring you the Racing Season."

That OFF was scary! It looks like you knew your were going to set them off before you did but as the wheels left the track you were still turning the wheel. Just keep that wheel straight as can be. Once you committed to the 2 feet-in application you took your hands off the wheel to brace for impact. I thought that was smart but I think you could have saved it in the beginning especially since you knew what was coming before hand.

Great learning experience and you didn't break anything important (car OR driver).
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colin, hindsight is 20/20. After I rolled my first rabbit 3-4 times after hitting the curbing in 5B, I thought to myself, geez, I shouldn't have hit that curbing. I might still have a car left.
Yes yes, 20/20 and all. It's all a matter of building those neural pathways (google 10,000 hour rule).
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