Extremely Important Announcement!!!

Only if they are road racing. Lacking any road racing, I'll probably go see James Cameron's latest movie.
Mike...I am sooooo disappointed! In this town, any team but the Steelers after the Hawks got jobbed a couple years ago. And I am from PA originally.
Extremely Important? What?

:confused: Steelers? :confused1:

My sport requires 2 balls. One ball games just don't go fast enough for me.

No offense Mike, but a bunch of overbuilt guys chasing after a ball that doesn't even look like a ball (how can a ball have pointed ends, anyway?), and then frequently pat each other on the a$$, well that just doesn't do it for me.

And guess what? The Daytona 500, which is the Superbowl of motorsports is February 20, and the Daytona 24 Hour race happened last weekend, so Speedweeks 2011 is well underway. And these competitors don't pat each other on the butt, they rub shoulders at 200 miles an hour.

Joe Gibbs is down in Daytona overseeing his Cup teams and hoping for some more wins in the bigtime!

Now that is "Extremely Important!" :D
Now that's plain rude Michael after the "Bettis Bowl". Rude. Really rude. Sure is going to be a long and lonely season for you. Car number 137, right? Who's going to help you on and off the track now? Well.....maybe OFF as soon as Kolin laps you.....twice.

Posted in jest. Well, I think it's in jest. Hum? I'll let you know after the game.


"Nice Guy Jim Racing"
31-25, Packers. Yep. Definitely said in jest. Definitely.

Misspelled your name so you could sneak up on Mike while he's looking for Kolin.

Kick a guy when he's down, Jim.

I'll be flying my Terrible Towel at half-mast from now until 1900 hours (that's 7 PM for you Miata guys) next Sunday. Taps will be played at 1700 hours (sundown) in my back yard every day until then. Please stand at attention with your hand over your heart and facing towards Pittsburgh during the playing of Taps. Thank you.

Beer and brats wiil be served afterwards.
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