Curious Racing Activity

Richard Broadhead

Flag & Com
So there I was, driving on I-5 and I-18 from Tacoma to Issaquah at about 3:30 PM in the pouring rain and 41 degrees outside. Yet, the freeways looked like a Friday night before a race weekend.

One truck towing a trailer with an MGB in it and SOVREN/SCCA stickers on it. 2nd truck towing a Legends car. 3rd truck/trailer with unknown car but with ICSCC stickers on it.

Was something going on down south today??
January 3rd at Thunderhill is a free test day for all SCCA members

Maybe they were 'practicing' towing. All these vehicles were headed north to east.

But I'm going along with you guys. They were probably moving around getting ready to depart for the south land after New Year's Eve.

And, HAPPY NEW YEAR to all !