Where to Stay at the Ridge


Finally going to make the trip South to the Ridge. Can anyone recommend a racer friendly hotel/ motel to stay at with parking for our truck and trailer, close to the track.
Vic Harvey
Little Creek Casino and Resort is #1 rated lodging in Shelton. Lots of parking for oversized vehicles and great food. About 10 minutes from the track.
I've booked at the Super 8 in Shelton at appx. $75 per night - is that a bad choice? Should I change to the Casino?
Bonnie The super 8 is also a good place and is a couple of miles closer to the track. Also, everyone needs to know that these are the ONLY two motels that are on the freeway and within 10 miles of the track.

There are a couple of smaller motels in downtown and then the next bunch of motels are in Olympia/Tumwater.

Make your reservations yesterday or you will have a)long drive to Oly, B) camp at the track
Just tried to book at the Little Creek Casino and couldn't get a room for Saturday Night for two people. Got in at the Super 8