Spokane County Raceways


Well-known member
Track reconfiguring is set to begin in two weeks and should be done before the snow flies giving it time to cure prior to racing next spring.
Very nice. I'm gonna have to put that on the calendar for next season.

Which means that NWMS can't have a conference race that conflicts with SCCA/HMSA/NASCAR-W in July.

What is it gonna take?
SCR plan view

Here's the plan I was shown a while back.

You'll notice several different layouts that were considered.

The one they settled on is toward the bottom of the drawing making the track about 2.25 miles.



  • SCR plan (Medium) (2).JPG
    SCR plan (Medium) (2).JPG
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I would urge NWMS to seriously consider moving that event from the heat of July as Randy mentioned. This has been suggested before without success, but I do know that it keeps people from attending that event, including me this year. I will only run there if I'm in the points, otherwise the conditions will keep it off my schedule.
I will suffer that heat in 2011 to try this new lay-out, but that would be the only reason for me to go over there in July.
What if there were a race in June that allowed other cars to compete that aren't normally at that type of race to boost participation? It just may happen...
Even considering the heat, I'd vote for leaving it in July...otherwise I may not be able to make the commute - from Charlotte - for that (now annual for me) race. :confused1:
Typical Northwest dwellers - complain bitterly about five months of rain and mist, whine about growing webbing between their toes and moan pitifully about short summers, moss, and mildew, then cry about a beautiful sunny three day week-end in Spokane.

Personally, I love a hot week-end, so bring it on. I look forward to the weather AND the track in Spokane every year - I hope the revision makes it even more fun.
Where's the paddock going to be? It looks like the new configuration reduces the existing paddock dramatically.

I'll be happy to race the new configuration in July, but even happier to do it in May or June.
A June date with more cars to fill the grids makes perfect sense to me. More cars means more exciting racing for the fans, and I'm sure the event will be highly advertised over there so they make money to pay for these improvements. 4 or 5 weeks earlier in the season would make a big difference to a lot of us. I actually enjoy the winters here, because they are usually mild, which is also how I like my summers...
I did 2 hot weekends this year. 1 at Spokanistan and 1 at Portland and I think the 99 degrees at Portland was far worse than the 99 degrees at Spokane.

At some point we usually spend a weekend racing in 95+ degree heat.... I can't vouch for anyone else but I like my heat dry. This year, while we were at Spokane it was actually HOTTER in Seattle AND Portland. So if we would have swapped races we would have been worse off, more heat, more humidity at either PR or PIR.... Just a thought.

I support whatever brings more racers to any event. If it's a double race weekend, a "special race event", moving the date 3 weeks earlier or hiring 100 saucy umbrella girls.... I'm all for more racers racing and more $$ for the clubs.
Just curious, it's been a couple of months since the construction started. Are there possibly any pics of the process and new layout.
The reconfiguration is underway. Bulldozers and backhoes are currently moving dirt through the old paddock, shaping the new crossover to where the course will meet the front straight after the drag timing boards. The shoulders were dug up for curbing a few weeks ago.

Here's the best drawing of the SCR track reconfiguration I've seen. New hairpin before turn 8, then some mild curves on its way back to the front straight.


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Curious: if an existing track receives a new configuration, will it be considered a "new track" and thus be considered a double points race weekend that season?

I think I know the answer already, but throwing it out there for discussion...