ICSCC schedule


The Pros From Dover
The ICSCC website doesn't show a finalized schedule or even the date for the board meeting that will do so. I'm itching to compile my personal ace schedule for the year. I'm wondering about conflicts with all the clubs I support. Is the schedule getting close to final? Thanks.
Hmmmm .... spring meeting has occurred and I would have sworn we had a complete and finalized schedule.

I believe the schedule on the site is final. I would check it against my notes to be sure if I wasn't in a hotel in Salt Lake City.
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The front page says the following: Events for the new season have not yet been finalized".

I'll dig deeper and see if I can find it. Thanks.
You can find the schedule on the "Events & results" tab of the site, where it's been for the last 6 or 7 years... ;)

(The other thing is an "upcoming event" widget that apparently needs to be updated.)
Has a date been set for the RATS meeting yet? For those that are unfamiliar, Race Administration & Training Session.