2 year competition license ?


Active member
In the effort to make ICSCC even more driver friendly, we are looking at the possibility of going from only a one-year competition license to giving the drivers the option of purchasing a two-year license starting in the 2019 season. This change would save the drivers and the ICSCC License Registrar a substantial amount of time and effort.

Listed below are a few anticipated questions about this change.

There would not be a price discount for the two-year license, but you would save on any price increase during the licensing period.

Your medical/physical expiration date must be valid through the two-year licensing period. Drivers 69 years and older would not be eligible for the two-year license because their medical/physical are only valid for one-year.

Just like it is now, drivers would be able to change or add car numbers (if available) anytime during the licensing period.

A few things would need to happen to turn this from an idea to reality.

1. Member and Affiliate clubs would need to offer two year memberships. I have spoken with many of the clubs and this appears not to be an issue.

2. The E Board would have to approve a couple of changes to the Competition regulations.

3. We would like to see if this is a change the drivers would like. If you are in favor or opposed to this option please send me an email to racing2132@aol.com the vote tally will be submitted to the E Board.

Please feel free to post your likes and dislikes of this idea.

Dan Heinrich
I think its about time to do the 2 years or more license. SCCA has been doing it for a long time and it save time for drivers as well as volunteers that process the paper work.

MJ Hajari
First - any administrative task I can do half as often is going to appeal to me.

Second - our licenses are received, processed, and produced by volunteers. A lot of time and effort goes into that process and any time you offer me an option that cuts volunteer effort by nearly half I think it is a great idea.

I'm trying to think of any serious downsides to this proposal and I can't really come up with any. Anyone else?
I vote Yes! We need to send this via the facebook sites too as not many looking at the forum anymore.
I'm too old for it to have a direct effect on me.
I think that you're just trying to get more time with your wife, you hopeless romantic, you!
I’ve heard from over 30 drivers, with 100% of them in favor of the idea.

If only 100 drivers went to the 2 year license, the result in time savings for the License Registrar would be over 50 hours per year.

The plan is to submit the proposal to the E Board at the Fall Meeting for a vote.

I will be speaking with IRDC, Cascade, TC, SCCBC and the affiliate clubs except BMWCCA (they have the option currently) about making the 2 year membership available to their drivers/members. I have spoken to NWMS and they are onboard with the change.

Dan Heinrich